Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Marshall Reddick Seminars

I posted a bunch of Marshal Reddick's seminars and club meetings in the calendar for the rest of July and August.

I have all of his REO meetings listed and I'm working on the others (he has a lot of them).

Unfortunately for most of you viewers, almost all of Marshall Riddick's events are in California and most are in Orange County and the surrounding counties.

This is a very good way to learn the basics and most if his events are free. I think that the ones that charge include dinners or take place on college campuses.

Most of the services that his group offers are free. The group benefits from growing a large network of sellers and buyers to fuel his own investing. This is a very good group to check out even if you are an experienced investor. If nothing else, it provides a model for how to build a group that will fuel your investing business.

You can check out their site directly at:

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